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Feb 15, 2006 My question is, where can I find or download the latest Mame cheats, because it seems that everywhere I find cheats they are all old, cheats files. Is there anyone out there making cheats for mame games that has come out already and for future mame ROMs. Arcade Emulation & Games; Mame cheat's. Where can i find the latest, cheat zip.
4-27-09_GBA-CHEATS.zip and 4-27-09_GBA-CHEATS-Nonames.zip were the ones that used to be hosted on the cheats section of this site. They do not appear to be that hard to find right now but I stuck them up on filetrip anyway- Various places might have additional cheats for various games (I know I found a few when going through summon night the other month) is worth a look through as well- plenty of trainers which often did slightly different things to a lot of cheats. Also also poke around the projects section of as it has a couple of nice tools (GBAATM is the suggested method of adding cheats to games for the EZ4).
I have a selection of some of the more exotic cheat tools for the GBA but between cracker's efforts and the contents of something like, and you should be good as far as getting stuff done goes. 4-27-09_GBA-CHEATS.zip and 4-27-09_GBA-CHEATS-Nonames.zip were the ones that used to be hosted on the cheats section of this site. They do not appear to be that hard to find right now but I stuck them up on filetrip anyway- Various places might have additional cheats for various games (I know I found a few when going through summon night the other month) is worth a look through as well- plenty of trainers which often did slightly different things to a lot of cheats. Also also poke around the projects section of as it has a couple of nice tools (GBAATM is the suggested method of adding cheats to games for the EZ4).
I have a selection of some of the more exotic cheat tools for the GBA but between cracker's efforts and the contents of something like, and you should be good as far as getting stuff done goes.