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Ubuntu 18.10 'Cosmic Cuttlefish' OS family Working state Current Source model, some Initial release 20 October 2004 (14 years ago) ( 2004-10-20) / 18 October 2018 (3 months ago) ( 2018-10-18) Marketing target,,, More than 55 languages by Update method,,, Platforms,; ( + ),; and only for servers: (), type Default Official website Ubuntu ( ( )) is a based on. Ubuntu is officially released in three editions:,, and Core (for devices and ). Ubuntu is a popular for, with support for. Ubuntu is released every six months, with () releases every two years. The latest release is ('Cosmic Cuttlefish'), and the most recent long-term support release is ('Bionic Beaver'), which is supported until 2028.
Ubuntu is by and the community under a governance model. Canonical provides security updates and support for each Ubuntu release, starting from the release date and until the release reaches its designated () date. Canonical generates revenue through the sale of premium services related to Ubuntu.
Ubuntu is named after the African philosophy of, which Canonical translates as 'humanity to others' or 'I am what I am because of who we all are'. See also: Ubuntu is built on 's architecture and infrastructure, and comprises Linux server, desktop and discontinued phone and tablet operating system versions.
Ubuntu releases updated versions predictably every six months, and each release receives free support for nine months (eighteen months prior to 13.04) with security fixes, high-impact bug fixes and conservative, substantially beneficial low-risk bug fixes. The first release was in October 2004. Current (LTS) releases are supported for five years, and are released every two years. LTS releases get regular point releases with support for new hardware and integration of all the updates published in that series to date. Ubuntu packages are based on packages from Debian's unstable branch. Both distributions use Debian's format and tools (e.g. Debian and Ubuntu packages are not necessarily with each other, however, so packages may need to be rebuilt from to be used in Ubuntu.
Many Ubuntu developers are also maintainers of key packages within Debian. Ubuntu cooperates with Debian by pushing changes back to Debian, although there has been criticism that this does not happen often enough., the founder of Debian, had expressed concern about Ubuntu packages potentially diverging too far from Debian to remain compatible. Before release, packages are imported from continuously and merged with Ubuntu-specific modifications. One month before release, imports are, and packagers then work to ensure that the frozen features interoperate well together. Ubuntu is currently funded by On 8 July 2005, and Canonical announced the creation of the Ubuntu Foundation and provided an initial funding of US$10 million. The purpose of the foundation is to ensure the support and for all future versions of Ubuntu.
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Mark Shuttleworth describes the foundation goal as to ensure the continuity of the Ubuntu project. On 12 March 2009, Ubuntu announced developer support for third-party management platforms, such as those used at.
Has been the default GUI for Ubuntu Desktop since Ubuntu 17.10, while is still the default in older versions, including all current LTS versions except 18.04 LTS. However, a community-driven fork of Unity 8, called Yunit, has been created to continue the development of Unity.
[ ] Shuttleworth wrote on 8 April 2017, 'We will invest in Ubuntu GNOME with the intent of delivering a fantastic all-GNOME desktop. We're helping the Ubuntu GNOME team, not creating something different or competitive with that effort. While I am passionate about the design ideas in Unity, and hope GNOME may be more open to them now, I think we should respect the GNOME design leadership by delivering GNOME the way GNOME wants it delivered. Our role in that, as usual, will be to make sure that upgrades, integration, security, performance and the full experience are fantastic.' Shuttleworth also mentioned that Canonical will cease development for Ubuntu Phone, Tablet, and convergence. Processors have been supported up to Ubuntu 18.04, but users 'will not be allowed to upgrade to Ubuntu 18.10 as dropping support for that architecture is being evaluated'.
Features [ ] A installation of Ubuntu contains a wide range of software that includes,,,, and several lightweight games such as. Many additional software packages are accessible from the built in (previously ) as well as any other -based tools. Many additional software packages that are no longer installed by default, such as,,, and, are still accessible in the repositories still installable by the main tool or by any other -based tool. Cross-distribution and are also available, that both allow installing software, such as some of Microsoft's software, in most of the major Linux operating systems (such as any currently supported Ubuntu version and in Fedora). The default file manager is, formerly called Nautilus.
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