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229 Leisure and Tourism Management Studienabschluss: Bachelor of Arts Regelstudienzeit: 8 Semester 229 230 Professional and educational goals Besides from an established economic education the course Leisure and Tourism Management provides most of all expert knowledge and skills in field of tourism and leisure. The imparting of learning contents through lectures, in most cases held in English language, seminar classes, exercises in the form of projects and case studies and the high practical relevance of the study enable the graduates to confront themselves with the new, internationally oriented profiles in the economy, especially the leisure and tourism sector. Academic calendar The course is modular designed so that the Leisure and Tourism Management students learn both: a solid business training as well as industry-specific knowledge. In addition to a number of basic disciplines of business administration, the specific targeting of studies already begins in the first semesters. By imparting basic knowledge of geographical, sociological and psychological disciplines the needs of the leisure and tourism industry will be taken into account by the lectures.