Install Propane Tank Under Van Bed
Jump to Propane Tank Type and Location - We had a commercial van conversion RV some time back that had the propane tank mounted under the van. We choose Lennox furnaces that are 95% efficient and really make great use of the propane they consume. Propane Tank and Installation tips. It is cheaper and a lot easier to install it now in the event you need it, than to have to install it after the house is built.
(O) Additional cost option. ( ) Available with some floor plan restrictions. (T) Spare Tire is located under the rear of all vans. If it is moved to the van’s rear, either a 25 gallon holding tank, storage compartment or a generator can be located in this space. Sprinter EB & LB vans can have both a 25 gallon holding tank and a generator installed under the van when the spare tire is moved to the van’s rear. If the spare is not moved, there will still be space for eithera 25 gallon tank, an under floor storage compartment, or a generator. Fresh Water – 10 gallon is standard.
17 and 20 are optional. Larger tanks are available depending on your floor plan.
(Keep in mind that Sportsmobile installs the fresh water tanks inside the Sportsmobile, usually under a dinette or gaucho, where they are less subject to freezing. Grey and black water tanks are usually located under the van’s floor. Anti-freeze can be added to these tanks in the winter.) Water Heater, 110V (O) – 2.5 gallon. Very fast recovery. Most popular. 6 gallon also available. Porta Potti – 5.5 gallon black water and 4 gallon fresh water capacity.

Combo Shower, Marine Toilet & Holding Tank (O) – 6 gallon black water. The shower water drains into the additional tank, larger tanks are avaialble.
SUPPORT MY DREAMS + SUBSCRIBE!!:) Vlog #228: Installed an RV STYLE horizontal propane tank to the frame of the bus, by the back rear bumper for a heated shower ABOUT ME: I sold all my possessions, blocked my boss and quit job, purchased a school bus, converted it to a skoolie, and hit the road to daily vlog to document my travels and inspire others to travel more, chase your dreams, and share the joys of living the I WANT TO MEET YOU! Please stay in touch + maybe we can meet up for a vlog + a bite + an adventure! Everyone is welcomed to meet up with me anywhere on my trip. I normally post locations on Instagram Story.
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