Slide Puzzle Python Code
Tausif ahmad 16-Feb-18 18:03 16-Feb-18 18:03 Hi thank you for code I am using it for my college project, shall I use it with your permission?? If yes I need one help please, this month I need to submit this project in college so I need some correction on the project, I need one page before game start that is its must have one page with a button start then sliding page should open one click strat button, I am unable to do coz no good ideas of java so can you do it for me please????? My email tausifahmad810@gmail.com.
Pygame is a set of Python modules designed for writing games. Pygame adds functionality on top of the excellent SDL library. This allows you to create fully featured games and multimedia programs in the python language. Pygame is highly portable and runs on nearly every platform and operating system. Posting Guidelines Despite the name, content related to other Python game libraries (pyglet, panda3d, etc.) is also welcome. If asking for help with your code, please provide a link to the entire code and resources if possible. Consider making a account if you don't have one already.
How to Post Code In Python indentation is part of the language syntax and as such is extremely important. When posting code every line must be indented an additional four spaces. You can indent the code in a text editor before pasting, or after pasting into reddit, highlight the text and press the editor button that looks like this. You can also place small amounts of code inline by surrounding it with ticks: `like this` If you have a large amount of code to share it would be best use a third party site for posting code. Is a really good choice. For code that relies on external resources like images please create a repo on or similar. Posting Links When posting links please provide a brief description in the comments of the thread.
Failure to do so may result in post removal. Installation Installation notes for Microsoft Windows users It is easier to install python32 and pygame32 even if you are running a 64-bit version of Microsoft Windows.
Useful links • • Related Subreddits • • •. Slide Puzzle This challenge focuses on creating a.
A simple sliding puzzle in Tkinter. Requirements: python-imaging-tk. Usage:./puzzle.py./puzzle.py --image=/path/to/image --board-grid=6.
Challenge Create a slide puzzle game that divides an image into equally-sized sections that the player can move around to place the sections in their correct positions. One section (usually the topright) is removed to create an open space on the game board. Puzzle sections may only be moved by sliding them into the open space (horizontally or vertically, diagonal moves are not allowed). Achievements Size Matters Allow the user to adjust the difficulty by choosing the number of puzzle pieces Collective Slide Allow the user to move multiple pieces at a time (if the empty spot is at the top of a column, sliding a piece in that column up should move all the pieces above it at the same time) Pick Your Own Allow the user to add their own images • • • • •. I decided to try my hand at this as well. Image Segments are stored in two 2d lists; one ordered by their correct x,y positions, and the other sorted by their current x,y positions.
The blank space is occupied by a dummy segment to keep things simple. Collective sliding is achieved via recursively calling the swapPieces method, and selecting an image is done via tkinter's askopenfilename. Screenshots and link to source below: Eventually planning to implement some simple sliding animations, as well as guarantee that generated boards are solvable, and cleanup the code a bit:) EDIT: animations and only solvable boards have now been implemented. I tried out your implementation and it feels like a complete game:) The sounds, instructions page, and custom puzzles are all nice additions that give it a personal touch. I did receive an error when attempting to start the 'easy' puzzle, but that may just be because I had to replace the pygame.ftfont import in prepare.py to pygame.font, as my install of pygame does not seem to have the freetype module. The other two puzzles worked just fine. Here is the error if you are curious: • • • • •.
Thanks for playing, yeah, it seemed that pygame still need improved, especially about the Font. From your error message, I think in the easy mode, the tile is bigger, I used pg.transform.smoothscale, but it only works for 24-bit or 32-bit surfaces, maybe the free type font surface is less than 24.
And in normal and hard mode, it is fine. Thank you for reminding this, to be honest, I do not have any better solution, the easist way may be copying the file ^ v ^ (I am not sure it is OK). EDIT: well, how silly I am, in fact, just open the level_play file, in line 42 change into self.surface = game_font.render(self.character,True,(0,0,0),(225,225,225,125)).convert() is OK ^ v ^ (I pay too much attention on freetype font ) • • • • •.
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