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In case you plan to create a good looking and very practical SWOT matrix, we can recommend you to use ConceptDraw PRO and one of its solutions which is SWOT Analysis solution from ConceptDraw Solution Park. Having this SWOT analysis solution you can figure out which of the strategies you need to apply in terms of succeeding in your project or in your business as a whole. ConceptDraw PRO drawing software provides all of the necessary tools for making your matrix look great and professional. SWOT and TOWS methods was developed for business and industry.
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They involve specifying the objective of the project and identifying the internal and external causes for the accomplishing project goals. Our TOWS matrix template contains a blank TOWS Matrix to be filled with the user’s data. After SWOT analysis, TOWS analysis focuses on external factors and action planning. Identification of SWOTs is important because they can inform later steps in planning to achieve the objective, and so creating such table or scheme is what you should do time to time having your own business or working for somebody’s other company in order to succeed. Having ConceptDraw PRO SWOT matrix solution with lots of templates available for your use means to have a unique tool which can be very useful and helpful in case you have to make some business structure’s SWOT analysis. Our SWOT Analysis solution supports a variation of SWOT analysis called TOWS which is more focused on external factors and action planning. But no matter which matrix you decide to draw, we will help you to do that once you use ConceptDraw PRO.
Once the SWOT analysis has to be created, you can always use our SWOT Analysis solution from ConceptDraw Solution Park which contains simple-to-use mind map templates that help identify Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of any business process or business organization using ConceptDraw MINDMAP, as well as outputs to ConceptDraw PRO for presenting SWOT and TOWS analysis results. SWOT analysis consists of illustrating four major characteristics, which are Strengths: characteristics of the business or project that give it an advantage over others, Weaknesses: characteristics that place the team at a disadvantage relative to others, Opportunities: elements that the project could exploit to its advantage and Threats: elements in the environment that could cause trouble for the business or project. Having ConceptDraw PRO software means having a chance to make this SWOT matrix in only a few minutes as we provide our clients with all necessary tools for making their charts, flowcharts, diagrams, plans and schemes looking amazing: very smart, professional, making an impression of them being specialists if even they never had a chance to create anything similar before. Our SWOT Analysis solution supports a variation of SWOT analysis called TOWS which is more focused on external factors and action planning.