Confessions Of A Good Christian Girl
It wasn’t supposed to be like this. It had started out as a simple girls night out then it turned wrong.
You were spending the night at your friend’s house with three other girls. They decided to watch a movie that you had never seen before. It was a romance comedy. You thought it would be fun to watch and you were also curious to see what this movie was about. Even though you knew your parents would have wanted you to ask them if this was a good movie to see you went against your better judgment and decided to just go with it.
Then you saw it. The sex scene that has remained engraved in your mind months after even watching the film. You keep telling yourself that it was just a silly movie and that you should just forget about it but when you are in your room and it’s dark, your mind replays that scene from the movie.

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You wake up the next morning feeling yucky and defiled. You feel embarrassed to talk to God and it has even effected your communication with your guy friends from church.
YOU MAY BE SURPRISED TO KNOW THIS, BUT THE MAJORITY OF CHRISTIAN GIRLS STRUGGLE WITH THE SIN OF LUST. The other day I googled this sentence: What do Christian girls struggle with? Lust came up number one. According to a filtered review by Christianity Today, 70% of women have a struggle with lust. 70 percent is big.
But it should not come as a surprise, especially in the 21st century. Sex, romance, men, women, love, and erotica is shoved down our throats morning noon and night. Lust is NOT just a guys problem.
Lust is a huge problem that runs rampant in this world and effects EVERYONE. It has since the beginning of time but even more so in recent times. When a girl reads a romance novel, listens to an explicit song, watches a steamy movie or even engages in reading a news article online that has something to do with sexual activity, it is in her mind and thoughts-just like a guy. Sometimes we can control what we do with those thoughts but more often than not we choose to entertain the thoughts. By entertaining lustful thoughts we are giving in to the power of lust which is pleasure at its worst description outside of marriage. It is defiling to your future marriage and spouse even if it is just in your mind. We know that all over the Bible we are given warnings to stay clear of sexual sin. We know that it is wrong to have sex outside of marriage.
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We know that it is wrong to have sex with someone else besides your spouse once you are married, but what about giving into sexual temptations (aside from actual sex) before you are married? In Ephesians 5:3 Paul makes a sobering command for ALL to follow. It does not exclude women.