Dpcalendar Progress
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Progress Reports Calendar: Sparta Middle School Date: Jobs Contacts Us Privacy Policy.
With the release of Joomla 3.9, the community got a new suite of privacy tools in core. DPCalendar 7.1 hooks into this suite and extends it with DPCalendar related data. The best part is that this functionality is even available in the free version as we are convinced that everybody has the right for privacy.
This and more features are shipped with the newest version of DPCalendar. Read on for the full release note and grab a copy of DPCalendar 7.1 in our or buy a if you need pro features. Privacy suite integration. Action Logs The action log component allows to record various user actions, like who logged in, who edited an article, etc. The core provides an end point where 3rd party extension can hook into it and log user actions from the extension.
The new action log plugin of DPCalendar integrates this functionality. So make sure you have it enabled. Privacy The privacy tools allows to export and delete user related data. The DPCalendar privacy plugin hooks here again in the core extension end point and adds DPCalendar related user data to the export. The delete functionality is not yet implemented as we want to gather first user feedback what exactly should be deleted as there are sensitive data like payment information in DPCalendar.
Small improvements and bug fixes Beside the great new features, we fixed some bugs and added many little goodies to DPCalendar to make your life as administrator easier and to offer your visitors a neat event experience. A goal of a new major version is to be prepared for the future. We worked hard on DPCalendar in the last months to achieve that by using technologies and methods which can serve us best in the next years. The architecture should be as much performant, accessible and secure as possible while still offering the flexibility you expect from our flagship product. To ensure that we touched over 1000 files, replaced over 50'000 lines of code and added another 20'000 new lines. We have now a clear, front end framework agnostic, HTML markup which follows the BEM methodology to make CSS styling a breeze. Actually Joomla 4 will use the same approach too (you see the link?).
Before we dive into the amazing new features of v7, we would like to shoot out a big THANK YOU to. They helped us massively on the front end part while still doing heavy work on the back end template for Joomla 4. Without their input, DPCalendar would not be where it is now.
So what's new in the biggest release in DPCalendar history? Speed, speed, speed. In 2018, a web site has to be fast for a good user experience. Even search engines do take speed as a factor for ranking. So we invested a big amount of time into research how we can increase the performance of DPCalendar. The most important steps were to reduce the amount of external dependencies, optimize CSS and reduce the JS footprint.
Every view does now only load the CSS rules which are actually needed. For example the event detail view adds only 8kb of CSS. No additional CSS frameworks are loaded in DPCalendare which do increase your page size. In the background, we are using SASS, which allows us to split the CSS code into blocks, and to reuse them in different views to keep a consistent look and feel. Yes we really started to think in blocks. While the Javascript files are loaded in defer mode anyway to be none blocking at all.
We've also removed all inline javascript code to be CSP compliant and to not block the page rendering process. We've replaced also a lot of jQuery code with vanilla JS and exchanged bloated scripts with zero dependency libraries. Icons are loaded inline as SVG graphics from font awesome 5.